March 2014
- Video Analytics team and Cyrus Innovations, Singapore won the Proof of Value (POV) project grant money worth $600,000 from IDB. The project, starting from March 2014, is aimed at develop and commercialize novel video based abnormality detection methods.
- Mentioned in news articles covering Sloan Conference (Yahoo Sports)
February 2014
- Finalist (1 out of 7) for the Evolution of Sports competition at the 8th Annual MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference 2014 to present our work on “Automatic Playbook Generation in Football through Video”
- One paper accepted at CVPR 2014
December 2013
- Presented our poster at ICCV 2013
September 2013
- One Paper accepted at ICCV 2013
- Work on AutoScout Soccer 0.1 complete
August 2013
- One Paper accepted at BMVC 2013
- Meeting with potential market partner & an NFL team regarding merits of AutoScout
July 2013
- Alexander Khvostikov (intern) joins the team for 3 months
- Team presents at Singapore Sports Institute Annual Symposium 2013
- Team visits UIUC, presents and demos sports video analysis prototype to various experts in the U.S including coaching staffs from various football teams
June 2013
- Best paper award at CVSports 2013 “Automatic Recognition of Offensive Team Formation in American Football Plays”
- Mutasem Mattar (intern) joins the team for 3 months
May 2013
- Work on AutoScout Football 1.2 Complete
April 2013
- Two papers accepted at CVPR Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports 2013
February 2013
- Utility Patent Application Filed
January 2013
- Meeting with Real Madrid staff regarding extending AutoScout to the sport of soccer
December 2012
- Team visits UIUC, presents and demos sports video analysis prototype to various experts in the U.S, including ESPN Innovation Lab and coaching staff from various football teams
November 2012
- Jagannadan Varadarajan joins the team
- “Software Helps Singapore Athletes Watch the Ball” published in Today Newspaper
- Wasif Khaja joins the team
- AutoScout prototype demonstrated at Media Exploits 2012
October 2012
- Interviewed with TODAY newspaper
August 2012
- Work on Smart Office Prototype 1.0 complete
June 2012
- One paper accepted to IJCV
- One paper accepted at ECCV 2012
- Two papers accepted at ICPR 2012
- Team attends CVPR 2012, visits UIUC. AutoScout prototype demo to various experts
May 2012
- Work on AutoScout Football 1.1 complete
March 2012
- One paper accepted (oral) at CVPR 2012
February 2012
- Provisional patent filed for AutoScout prototype
- Dr. Bernard Ghanem joins KAUST, now Adjunct Senior Research Scientist at ADSC
December 2011
- Two papers accepted at ICASSP 2012
- Team visits UIUC, presents and demos sports video analysis prototype (AutoScout 1.0) to various experts in the U.S.
November 2011
- Registration work featured in ADSC News
October 2011
- Sparse registration method featured in ADSC research highlights
August 2011
- “Semantic Analysis of Sports Video” proposal awarded funding